This video seems appropriate for my final post before a 28 day social media break as relationships are both the driving force behind and the biggest fear about stepping away.
The endless scroll of memes, headlines and sound bites has provoked a bitter and judgmental attitude in me. I find myself reacting without a complete understanding of the situation, without a respectful curiosity about other people’s perspectives and certainly without an empathetic understanding of their motives.
Social media is tainting my relationships with my neighbors and friends, so it’s time to step away.
But social media also creates and deepens relationships. I would not know many of you without social media and I value our relationship.
So here’s my plan. I’ll step away for 28 days. Then come back and reassess the value social media brings to my life. I’ll likely plug back in at that time with some healthy boundaries, but we will see.
Until then please know that I value our relationship. You can always reach me via phone, email or of course my website (you know the web address). And yes, I will happily keep creating videos, stories, podcasts, 1 liners and other stuff. I’ll email it to you if you opt in here.
Thanks for being you and have a great 28 Days!